sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011

quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011

North Koreans

Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas, Film) - Singing Scene

Joyeux Noel

Starring Dian Kruger, Daniel Bruhel. Directed by Christian Carion.
Running Time: 116 mins.
Rated: Rated M.
Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas) is an international collaboration between France, the UK and Germany, with scenes filmed in Romania. Its setting is World War I, especially Christmas eve and Christmas day, 1914. The bulk of the film is spoken in French (with English sub-titles). The Scottish characters speak English and the Germans, German.

Stories have long been told of how the troops in the trenches, often only four or five metres apart, sometimes fraternised during lulls between bombardments. This story focuses on a French troop, a Scottish troop and a German troop. We are given something of their background, the harking back to the styles and codes of 19th century warfare by the French officers who had little understanding of what fighting in the trenches was like. It was the same with the German officers who enjoyed lavish meals and listened to opera singers while their men were in the bitter cold of the trenches. The Scottish story is somewhat different. Two brothers eagerly join up while their parish priest becomes a chaplain. One of the brothers is killed and the other becomes bitter. The chaplain is a fine man and a compassionate minister.

When husband and wife opera singers visit the German trenches, they hear the Scots playing their bagpipes. The tenor sings Silent Night and the bagpipes then accompany him. The result is that all the troops come out of their dugouts, join in the singing, listen to the soprano sing Ave Maria, exchange food and drink and attend, all together, a midnight service led by the chaplain. The screenplay is very strong in highlighting that this is truly the Christmas message of peace on earth to all people of good will. The German officer is Jewish and explains that this is not part of his religion but that he was very glad to be able to share in it.

The officers call a truce on Christmas Day and the men once again show their common humanity. Some play football, others cards. Addresses are exchanged for meetings after the cessation of hostilities.

Had the film ended with this joyeux noel, this merry Christmas, it might have seemed rather sentimental, even though there are records of this kind of fraternisation happening. (The director has pointed out that photos appeared on the front pages of British newspapers of the time but that the French concealed these happenings.)

To our dismay, the final part of the film presents the official reaction to what the authorities call treason and conduct unbecoming soldiers in war - even ludicrously condemning the cat who moves from trench to trench. The Germans are humiliated by commanding officers and sent to the Russian front. The French would like to execute the men for treason but 200 is too many, so they are transferred to Verdun. The Scots chaplain is visited by his bishop who lectures him on the text that Jesus came not to bring peace but the sword and gives a sermon to the troops on the war being a crusade, on the inhumanity of the Germans and, in the name of superior culture and civilisation, urges the men to kill Germans, all of them.

Director, Christian Clarion, has said that he would like his film to be screened in every country which is involved in war. His humane film, classical in its cinema style, is a wonderful appeal to promoting a culture of peace rather than putting a priority on a crusade of destruction. It appeals to the deepest message of peace from the Judeo-Christian tradition and the Gospel teaching of Jesus.

Pop Dell'Arte - Rio Line

segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2011

Lonely Kamel - The Prophet Kamel


sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011

Brasil. Uma história inconveniente (BBC 2000)

ver mais

Goran Bregović - Alkohol

A few centuries ago, there was a saying among central Europeans: “Europe ends at the Pyrenees.” In plain terms, it means that Spain and Portugal, which are located beyond the Pyrenees Mountains, were not part of Europe’s mainstream culture. Iberian culture was just too different, too borderline, because of its incorporation of Middle-Eastern and North African elements –this goes double for Latin America, obviously. Central Europeans established these mountains as a massive fence, like the one some folks are trying to build down south.

Eastern European cultures, also located outside of Europe’s center, have many things in common with Hispanic culture. Goran Bregović is a notorious musical example. His music comes from a place he describes as a “terrible frontier,” where Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims and Jews have coexisted for centuries. He mixes a variety of traditional styles, with electric guitar riffs, a little bit of tango, classical music, and whatever he can get. Bregović became better known after his scores for several award-winning films, including Arizona Dreams, Queen Margot and Underground. He currently tours the world accompanied by his “Weddings and Funerals Orchestra” –they performed in NYC earlier this year.

Goran Bregović re-appropriates folk songs and tunes from his region of the world, revisits his own traditions, and reinvents them. The resulting mix is great. You only need to listen to “Ne Siam Kurve Tuke Siam Prostitutke,” to notice the similarities between the Bosnian Romani singing style, and the Cante Jondo of Spanish Flamenco. By the way, according to my Romani sources, that title can be translated as “We’re Not Whores: We’re Prostitutes.” In case you were wondering. Finally, Goran is an honorary Argentinean. Need I say more? Check out his interpretation of a theme that truly unites almost every culture in the world: “Alkohol.”


terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

José Afonso - Nefretite Não Tinha Papeira

Nefretite Não Tinha Papeira

Nefretite não tinha papeira
Tuthankamon apetite
Já minha avó me dizia
E olha que a sopa arrefece
Já minha avó me dizia
E olha que a sopa arrefece

Nos funerais de antanho
As capicuas gritavam
E às escuras na cozinha
Só as galinhas dormiam
E às escuras na cozinha
Só as galinhas dormiam

Manolo era o rei do fandango
Do fandaguilho picado
Maria se fores ao baile
Leva o casaco castanho
Maria se fores ao baile
Leva o casaco castanho

Nefretite não tinha papeira
Tuthankamon apetite
Já minha avó me dizia
E olha que a sopa arrefece
Já minha avó me dizia
E olha que a sopa arrefece

O rei João era dos tesos
Chamavam-lhe João dos Quintos
Lá na terra brasileira
Vinham quintais de Ouro Preto
Lá na terra brasileira
Vinham quintais de Ouro Preto

Em suma a soma interessava
A quem interessa algum dia
De lingotes e pimentas
Ainda vamos ao fundo
De lingotes e pimentas
Ainda vamos ao fundo

Nefretite não tinha papeira
Tuthankamon apetite
Já minha avó me dizia
E olha que a sopa arrefece
Já minha avó me dizia
E olha que a sopa arrefece

Lá para o reino da Arábia
Havia amêndoas aos centos
Que grande rebaldaria
E a Palestina às escuras
Que grande rebaldaria
E a Palestina às escuras

Os Sheikes israelitas
Já que estou com a mão na massa
Lembram-me os Sheikes das fitas
Que dão porrada a quem passa
Lembram-me os Sheikes das fitas
Que dão porrada a quem passa

Nefretite não tinha papeira
Tuthankamon apetite
Já minha avó me dizia
E olha que a sopa arrefece
Já minha avó me dizia
E olha que a sopa arrefece

Letra e Música: José Afonso
Álbum: Venham Mais Cinco (1973)

José Afonso (Zeca) . Redondo Vocábulo

Zeca Afonso_Redondo Vocábulo

animação 3D para o tema "redondo vocábulo" de José Afonso. Interpretação livre sobre a angústia de uma gestação ou maternidade em tempos de guerra no ultramar.

esta magnífica canção foi composta quando o nosso Zeca estava preso em Caxias.

O Som do Coração

sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011

The Cinematic Orchestra - 'Entr'acte'

Entr’acte (1924) is René Clair’s Dada-influenced 20-minute short, commissioned for the interval of Francis Picabia’s new ballet, Relâche, in Paris in 1924. The original music for the film was composed by the famous composer Erik Satie, who makes a cameo appearance along side surrealist photographer Man Ray.

The Cinematic Orchestra Arrival of the Birds & Transformation



Electropolis from Kevin McCullough on Vimeo.

Thierry Mugler Womanity

Mensagem para os Direitos Humanos

Percy Jones Ensemble / Heidelberg Switch:Propeller Music

'Heidelberg Switch'

quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011

Esta merda tem de acabar - Jacques Fresco

Graham Hancock, his fact findings views on our Ancient past

specification.fifteen (Richard Chartier + Taylor Deupree)

Taylor Deupree's

Frank Bretschneider & Taylor Deupree - Vertical Invader

Instant Karma - John lennon


Introducing mo from LUNAR Europe on Vimeo.

mo - mobility for tomorrow from LUNAR Europe on Vimeo.


quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011


Mahler, Symphony No. 9 in D major

It is music coming from another world, it is coming from eternity.
– Herbert von Karajan

Zeca Afonso. Eu, o Povo

Eu, O Povo (letra de Barnabé João/ Música de José Afonso e Fausto)

"Eu, o Povo
Conheço a força da terra que rebenta a granada do grão
Fiz desta força um amigo fiel

O vento sopra com força
A água corre com força
O fogo arde com força

Nos meus braços que vão crescer vou estender panos de vela
Para agarrar o vento e levar a força do vento à produção
As minhas mãos vão crescer até fazerem pás de roda
Para agarrar a força da água e pô-la na produção
Os meus pulmões vão crescer soprando na forja do coração
Para agarrar a força do fogo na produção

Eu, o Povo
Vou aprender a lutar ao lado da Natureza
Vou ser camarada de armas dos quatro elementos

A táctica colonialista é deixar o Povo ao natural
Fazendo do Povo um inimigo da Natureza

Eu, o Povo Moçambicano
Vou conhecer as minhas grandes forças todas."

Images: Galiza (GZ) e Portugal

segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011

Bernardo Sassetti Trio - Chegada

Colin Vallon / Noreia

taken fromthe ECM album "Rruga"


Walt Disney - Le Prince et le Pauvre (Partie 1)

Le Prince et le Pauvre (The Prince and the Pauper en VO) est un moyen-métrage d'animation des studios Disney sorti en 1990 et inspiré de l'histoire-homonyme de Mark Twain, parue en 1882.

Walt Disney - Le Prince et le Pauvre (Partie 2)

Scrooge: Charles Dickens' Classic - A Christmas Carol (1935)

Scrooge is a 1935 film directed by Henry Edwards featuring Seymour Hicks as Ebenezer Scrooge, the miser who hates Christmas. It was the first sound version of the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol, not counting a 1928 short subject that now appears to be lost.

Hicks had played the role of Scrooge on the stage many times beginning in 1901, and again in a 1913 British silent film version. The 1935 film differs from all other versions of the story in one significant way - most of the ghosts, including that of Jacob Marley, are not actually shown onscreen, although their voices are heard. Only the Ghost of Christmas Present (Oscar Asche) is actually seen in full figure - the Ghost of Christmas Past is a mere shape with no discernible facial features, Marley's Ghost is seen only briefly as a face on the door knocker, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is just an outstretched pointing finger.

Why the film was made this way remains unclear; it is obviously not due to the fact that British filmmakers could not achieve special effects, since we do see Marley's face superimposed on Scrooge's door knocker.

Another aspect making this film different from other versions of the story is that Seymour Hicks plays both the old and young Scrooge, rather straining the credulity of the audience, since by this time, the sixty-four year old actor was visibly too aged to convincingly play a young man.

The story is also severely truncated, even more than in the 1938 MGM film version, although the 1935 version is actually slightly longer. Much time is spent at the beginning of the film - before any of the ghosts appear - setting up the atmosphere of rich and poor London. Scrooge's sister Fan and Fezziwig are completely omitted from this version.

This is the first of only two sound versions in which Tiny Tim is actually seen lying dead. In the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come sequence Bob Cratchit grieves at Tim's bedside. The 1999 Patrick Stewart version also contains this scene.

Maurice Evans appears briefly as a man harassed by Scrooge to pay his debts. Donald Calthrop portrays a Bob Cratchit who bears an uncanny physical resemblance to John Leech's illustrations of the character in the original 1843 edition of the novel.

Two versions of this film exist; each has a differently designed opening credits sequence, and one of the two versions omits the very last scenes.

Cast * Seymour Hicks - Ebenezer Scrooge (as Sir Seymour Hicks) * Donald Calthrop - Bob Cratchit * Robert Cochran - Fred * Mary Glynne - Belle * Garry Marsh - Belle's husband * Oscar Asche - Spirit of Christmas Present * Marie Ney - Spirit of Christmas Past * C.V. France - Spirit of Christmas Future * Athene Seyler - Scrooge's charwoman * Maurice Evans - Poor man * Mary Lawson - Poor man's wife * Barbara Everest - Mrs. Cratchit * Eve Gray - Fred's wife * Morris Harvey - Poulterer with Prize Turkey * Philip Frost - Tiny Tim

Title and Registration ~ Death Cab For Cutie

God bless the daylight, the sugary smell of springtime
Remembering when you were mine
In a still suburban town

When every thursday i'd brave those mountain passes
And you'd skip your early classes
And we'd learn how our bodies worked

God damn the black night with all its foul temptations
I've become what i always hated
When i was with you then

We looked like giants in the back of my grey subcompact
Fumbling to make contact
As the others slept inside

And together there
In a shroud of frost, the mountain air
Began to pass through every pane of weathered glass
And i held you closer than anyone would ever guess

Do you remember the JAMC?
And reading aloud from magazines
I don't know about you but i swear on my name they could smell it on me
I've never been too good with secrets

And together there
In a shroud of frost, the mountain air
Began to pass through every pane of weathered glass
And i held you closer

domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011

Os Respigadores e a Respigadora - Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse (2000) LEG...

"Uma investigação íntima de Agnés Varda da vida francesa. O ponto de partida estético, politico e moral são os respigadores, aqueles que percorrem campos já ceifados em busca de espigas deixadas ficar e que, em gerações anteriores, foram imortalizados por Millet e Van Gogh. Varda não tem um particular interesse em imortalizar os respigadores de hoje, mas em investigar as razões que levam os anónimos desesperados e idealistas ou os célebres, como por exemplo, um famoso chefe, a examinar cuidadosamente os desperdícios...Através da sua viagem, Agnés Varda constrói um retrato de França tão moderno quanto a câmara digital que utiliza, obtendo a sua obra mais impressionante desde «Vagabundo»."


"Tudo que o homem não conhece não existe para ele. Por isso o mundo tem, para cada um, o tamanho que abrange o seu conhecimento."
(Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche)
"Um povo ignorante é um instrumento cego da sua própria destruição."
(Simón Bolivar)

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

Lixo Extraordinário Documentário

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011


O Cortejo Histórico de Lisboa em 1947 (CML) from Goncalo Ramos Ferreira on Vimeo.

Cortejo comemorativo do VIII Centenário da Tomada de Lisboa (1947). Foi uma das primeiras filmagens a cores em Portugal, sendo produzido pela Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML).

Director - António Lopes Ribeiro
Direcção Artística - Leitão de Barros
Locução - Augusto da Silva


Inauguração do Estádio Nacional em 1944 (Lopes Ribeiro) from Goncalo Ramos Ferreira on Vimeo.

#Inauguração do Estádio Nacional em 1944 (Lopes Ribeiro). É uma versão/cópia "low cost" do Congresso do Partido Nazi de 1937 (Nuremberga)#

anos LX

All Is Grace - Palace Brothers

all is grace "Days in the Wake" - the Palace Brothers

Fabrizio de andrè città vecchia (non censurata)

segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011

All The Good Men/DaveShiflett

A 'reality of war' song written by dave shiflett and performed by the Karma Farmers. download song at

My Beautiful Friend/Dave Shiflett

A video featuring mostly depression-era photos, set to a song by Dave Shiflett, performed by the Karma Farmers


Até os Confins da Terra parte1

T~~~~~~ C~~~~~~

The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby

Yellow Submarine is a 1968 animated feature film based on the music of The Beatles.
I look at all the lonely people.
I look at all the lonely people.

Eleanor Rigby
Picks up the rice in the church where her wedding has been;
Lives in a dream.
Waits at the window,
Wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door.
Who is it for?
All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

Father MacKenzie
Writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear;
No one comes near.
Look at him working,
Nodding his socks in the night when there's nobody there.
What does he care?
All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

I look at all the lonely people.
I look at all the lonely people.

Eleanor Rigby
Died in the church and was buried alone with her name.
Nobody came.
Father MacKenzie
Wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from her grave.
No one was saved.
All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011

YouTube Challenge - I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy


Shrink Rap Stephen Fry Part 1

Stephen Fry interviewed by Pamela Stephenson on Shrink Rap ABC TV Australia

Shrink Rap - Stephen Fry Part 2

Shrink Rap - Stephen Fry Part 3

Shrink Rap - Stephen Fry Part 4.

Michael Jackson Earth Song Traduzido

Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust

D' you breath the name of your saviour in your hour of need,
n' taste the blame if the flavor should remind you of greed,
Of implication, insinuation and ill will, till' you cannot lie still,
In all this turmoil, before red cape and foil come closing in for a kill

Come feed the rain
Cos I'm thirsty for your love dancing underneath the skies of lust

Yeah feed the rain
Cos without your love my life ain't nothing but this carnival of rust

It's all a game, avoiding failure, when true colors will bleed
All in the name of misbehavior and the things we don't need
I lust for after no disaster can touch us anymore
And more than ever, I hope to never fall, where enough is not the same it was before

Come feed the rain...

Don't walk away, don't walk away, oh, when the world is burning
Don't walk away, don't walk away, oh, when the heart is yearning

déclaration à celui......daphné

Lee Hazlewood - My Autumn's Done Come (Late Night Tales - Air)

Nicole - Nouvelle Vague

J'traine des pieds-Olivia Ruíz

terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011

domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011

Run this town/Posthumus Zone (Exclusive CD Quality)

ES Posthumus - Nara (nature - Planet Earth, IMAX) Posthumus

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Max Richter - 17 - Last Days

Max Richter - 14 - Dinner And The Ship Of Dreams

From "Henry May Long" Soundtrack

Track listing :

01. Ocean House Mirror
02. Stairs Abyss Starlight
03. Exit Top Hat Greeting
04. Waiting For the Sunlight Evening
05. Interior Tears An Idea
06. Endings Doorway Pavement
07. Farewell Threshold Laudanum
08. Sofa Chess
09. Interior Horse
10. Whale Window Hotel
11. A Candle and Hald a Pear
12. Powder Pills Truth
13. The Young Mariner
14. Dinner and the Ship of Dreams*****

Vitorino Com Sam The Kid - Carta de um soldado da armada

Cat Stevens - Trouble

Massacre by Christophe Beck (Buffy Score 2x21 Becoming Part 1)

segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

Pans Labyrinth

Pans Labyrinth - Part (2/8) - [German/Deutsch]

Pans Labyrinth - Part (3/8) - [German/Deutsch]

Pans Labyrinth - Part (4/8) - [German/Deutsch]

Pans Labyrinth - Part (5/8) - [German/Deutsch]

Pans Labyrinth - Part (6/8) - [German/Deutsch]

Pans Labyrinth - Part (7/8) - [German/Deutsch]

Pans Labyrinth - Part (8/8) - [German/Deutsch]

"Pans Labyrinth" ist eines der Filmhighlights des Jahres 2006. Regie führte der mexikanische Regisseur Guillermo del Toro, der auch das Drehbuch geschrieben hat. Der Film ist eine Mischung aus Drama und Fantasyfilm und erzählt die Geschichte des Mädchens Ofelia, das in der Realität nach dem Ende des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs plötzlich eine märchenhafte Parallelwelt erlebt.

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

Surgeon - St. Vincent

Dario Marianelli - Shooting Dogs OST - Remember Us

The Passenger - Trainspotting

The Passenger Lyrics:
I am the passenger
And I ride and I ride
I ride through the citys backside
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, theyre bright in a hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight
I am the passenger
I stay under glass
I look through my window so bright
I see the stars come out tonight
I see the bright and hollow sky
Over the citys a rip in the sky
And everything looks good tonight
Singin la la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la
La la la la la-la-la la la-la
Get into the car
Well be the passenger
Well ride through the city tonight
See the citys ripped insides
Well see the bright and hollow sky
Well see the stars that shine so bright
The sky was made for us tonight
Oh the passenger
How how he rides
Oh the passenger
He rides and he rides
He looks through his window
What does he see?
He sees the bright and hollow sky
He see the stars come out tonight
He sees the citys ripped backsides
He sees the winding ocean drive
And everything was made for you and me
All of it was made for you and me
cause it just belongs to you and me
So lets take a ride and see whats mine
Oh, the passenger
He rides and he rides
He sees things from under glass
He looks through his windows eye
He sees the things he knows are his
He sees the bright and hollow sky
He sees the city asleep at night
He sees the stars are out tonight
And all of it is yours and mine
And all of it is yours and mine
Oh, lets ride and ride and ride and ride...

segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011

Frank Ocean - American Wedding (nostalgia, Ultra.)!


Frank Ocean - American Wedding (nostalgia, Ultra.)!


Counting Crows - Round Here

Filosofia Radical

Filosofia Radical é uma revista britânica de filosofia socialista e feminista. A revista aparece seis vezes por ano e as características principais artigos acadêmicos, comentários, notícias e uma grande e diversificada seção de comentários.

domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011

Hans Zimmer - Chevaliers de Sangreal

From the movie "The Davinci Code," here's Chevaliers de Sangreal by Hans Zimmer.


THE BEGINNING OF INFINITY from jason silva on Vimeo.

"The adjacent possible is a kind of shadow future, hovering on the edges of the present state of things, a map of all the ways in which the present can reinvent itself." - Steven Johnson


This video is inspired, in part, by the ideas explored in David Deutsch’s new book, THE BEGINNING OF INFINITY. We hope it moves you.

‎"The topographical shape and the material constitution of the upper surface of the island of Manhattan, as it exists today, is much less a matter of geology than it is of economics and politics and human psychology. The effects of geological forces were trumped (you might say) by other forces — forces that proved themselves, in the fullness of time, physically stronger. Deutsch thinks the same thing must in the long run be true of the universe as a whole. Stuff like gravitation and dark energy are the sorts of things that determine the shape of the cosmos only in its earliest, and most parochial, and least interesting stages. The rest is going to be a matter of our own intentional doing.." - David Alpert on David Deutsch's new book.

"Some time in the last fifty thousand years, with the invention of culture, the biological evolution of humans ceased and evolution became an epigenetic, cultural phenomenon... technology is the real skin of our species. Humanity, correctly seen in the context of the last five hundred years, is an extruder of technological material. We take in matter that has a low degree of organization; we put it through mental filters, and we extrude jewelry, gospels, space shuttles. This is what we do. We are like coral animals embedded in a technological reef of extruded psychic objects." - Terence Mckenna


In our work, we use the tools of editing: we juxtapose 'transcalar' imagery, cutting and overlapping the very small and the very large... From the nano to the galactic, stretching and compressing time, we feature time lapse to reveal the repetitive and recurring patterns across different scales of reality. The aim is to provide multiple perspectives all at once, whose simultaneous presentation might cause spontaneous epiphanies. “These patterns are omnipresent, but only when we see these patterns in a more compressed mode of presentation to we start to attend to them as such.” -- This is KEY!

Paul Stamet's superb book, Mycelium Running, begins with a discussion of what Stamets calls the mycelial archetype. He compares the mushroom mycelium with the overlapping information-sharing systems that comprise the Internet, with the networked neurons in the brain, and with a computer model of dark matter in the universe. All share this densely intertwingled filamental structure.

A recent profile of Stephen Johnson on Dumbo Feather described his work like this:

“Johnson uses ‘The Long Zoom’ to define the way he looks at the world—if you concentrate on any one level, there are patterns that you miss. When you step back and simultaneously consider, say, the sentience of a slime mold, the cultural life of downtown Manhattan and the behaviour of artificially intelligent computer code, new patterns emerge."

On their own, these areas of study are fascinating. Together, a more profound view takes shape.

The article continues, "Put simply: cities are like ant colonies are like software is like slime molds are like evolution is like disease is like sewage systems are like poetry is like the neural pathways in our brain. Everything is connected.”


Our stated goal is to re-ignite the art of the "performing philosophers" ... like Timothy Leary and Buckminster Fuller... A post on Space Collective wrote about “thinkers who act as substantial agents of change, who drastically alter the infocologies they interact with, in the process transforming and meshing the different dimensions in which our minds operate.”

We care about the pleasures derived in forming new connections, mash-ups and innovative solutions for the next step in human evolution.

We are working to articulate our understanding through the creation of recombinant media mashups meant to epiphanize audiences----the creating and sharing of awe; "performance philosophy" in an age of collapsing boundaries and exponential creativity.

The director of the Imaginary Foundation described our work as “some kind of Ontological DJ'ing, recompiling the source code of western philosophy by mixing and mashing it up into a form of recombinant creativity, which (hopefully) elevates our understanding from the dry and prosaic, into the sensual and transcendent.”

“The goal is to prove a fresh framework and a new narrative to fill our old storytelling needs in our ever-increasing process of self-description.”

Information technologies have become instruments of mind expansion, sensorial scaffoldings that increase and augment our capacity to process greater amounts of information, allowing us to extract richer gradients of meaningful data about the world and our experience.

Whether its a telescope, a microscope or a marijuana joint, we need to think of these tools as aids, contact lenses through which we can see so much more than before.

In the digital dimension we use the term resolution. Certainly we can appreciate how much more can be 'revealed' by having higher resolution..... and technology offering complex visualizations literally ups the resolution of our internal and external perceptions .

Different Scales and perspectives of reality show how much of what we perceive is dictated by our point of view--literally by where we are and how we think. The most exhilarating realization, then, is that we all have the power to shape our experience by our linguistic and creative choices.

"A random scrap of information can trigger just the right conceptual collision. It’s hard to know which scrap might do the trick, but that’s the beauty of things like social networks, interconnectivity, and these kinds of media mashups — they constantly produce potential sparks, for free.” - Seth Godin

FREEMAN DYSON says it beautifully:

"To me the most astounding fact in the universe is the power of mind which drives my fingers as I write these words. Somehow, by natural processes still totally mysterious a million butterfly brains working together in a human skull have the power to dream, to calculate, to see and to hear, to speak and to listen, to translate thoughts and feelings into marks on paper which other brains can interpret. Mind, through the long course of biological evolution, has established itself as a moving force in our little corner of the universe. Here on this small planet, mind has infiltrated matter and has taken control. It appears to me that the tendency of mind to infiltrate and control matter is a law of nature."


A collaboration of /Jason Silva and /Notthisbody incorporating
/Tim Borgmann
/Shawn Knol
/Andrew Filippone Jr.
/Felix Norton-Barsalou
/Daniel Zagórski

camera by Edwin Rosero

The Tiger Lillies / Alexander Hacke / DanielledePicciotto with "Do You K...

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011

Reiki Music Master Meditation Music Therapy Out Of Body Experience

"Reserve um tempo pra si.. atenção plena, olhe um pouco pra si, sente-se no chão, confortável, acenda uma vela, apague a tv, desligue o tlm, musicas e distrações mil dispersas.. medite, respire e deixe o ar entrar suave e expire suave.... muitos pensamentos virão e irão" M. V.

Danny Boy - Frank Patterson (Full)

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011


Uma receita gourmet pós-modernista, pós-estruturalista e pós-mortem. Um programa de rádio de difusão pirata, apresentado em directo e ao vivo, no qual Chef Ró [aka Rogério Nuno Costa] ensina as donas de casa a cozinhar Arte Pós-Moderna [aka "terrorismo retórico"] em pequenas doses profilácticas [aka "placebos culturais"] e anti-histamínicas [aka "o aborrecimento dormente como cura possível para a soberania do arty-chique"]. ARTE DA MANGIARE quer elevar a arte à categoria de gastronomia, porque o contrário já foi feito. ARTE DA MANGIARE não é indigesta, ela é a própria indigestão. ARTE DA MANGIARE é um Goronsan fora do prazo de validade.


Bon Iver - Re: Stacks

This my excavation and today is kumran

Everything that happens is from now on

This is pouring rain

This is paralyzed

I keep throwing it down two-hundred at a time

It's hard to find it when you knew it

When your money's gone

And you're drunk as hell

On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load

In the back and the racks and the stacks are your load

In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load

I've twisting to the sun I needed to replace

The fountain in the front yard is rusted out

All my love was down

In a frozen ground

There's a black crow sitting across from me; his wiry legs are crossed

And he's dangling my keys he even fakes a toss

Whatever could it be

That has brought me to this loss?

On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load

In the back and the racks and the stacks of your load

In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load

This is not the sound of a new man or crispy realization

It's the sound of the unlocking and the lift away

Your love will be

Safe with me

sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011

Peter Gabriel - Listening Wind

Talking Heads

Mojique sees his village from a nearby hill
Mojique thinks of days before Americans came
He serves the foreigners in growing numbers
He sees the foreigners in fancy houses
He dreams of days that he can still remember now

Mojique holds a package in his quivering hands
Mojique sends the package to the American man
Softly he glides along the streets and alleys
Up comes the wind that makes them run for cover
He feels the time is surely now or never more

The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart
The dust in my head, the dust in my head
The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart
drive them away, drive them away

And Mojique buys his equipment in the market place
Mojique plants devices through the free trade zone
He feels the wind is lifting up his people
He calls the wind to guide him on his mission
He knows his friend the wind is always standing by

Mojique smells the wind that, that comes from far away
Mojique waits for news in a quiet place
He feels the presence of the wind beside him
He feels the power of the past behind him
He has the knowledge of the wind to guide him on

The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart
The dust in my head, the dust in my head
The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart
Come to drive them away, drive them away

The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart
The dust in my head, the dust in my head
The wind in my heart, the wind in my heart
Come to drive them away

James Blake & Bon Iver - Fall Creek Boys Choir!

Fall - Wings

Apparat - Ash/Black Veil

Autumn Leaves - Beautiful Music Video - Lyrics In Description

The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall

C'est une chanson, qui nous ressemble
Toi tu m'aimais et je t'aimais
Nous vivions tous, les deux ensemble
Toi que m'aimais moi qui t'aimais
Mais la vie sépare ceux qui s'aiment
Tout doucement sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable les pas des amants désunis


quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Uma viagem pela nossa galáxia

Rui Agostinho (Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa)
Uma viagem pela nossa galáxia onde foram abordados temas como a vida das estrelas as condições de habitabilidade de outros planetas.
11 investigadores foram desafiados para apresentar uma ideia-chave sobre a sua área de investigação, de uma forma bastante inovadora: a Pecha Kucha.

Skylight One Hanson

May 2011 - 120 Model Tableau Vivant - Skylight One Hanson from Sarah Small's Tableau Vivant on Vimeo.

Wim Mertens - Mystik & Invader

Minimalist arcade drones from the "For Amusement Only" album (Les Disques Du Crepuscule 1981/1988), Wim Mertens' early works composed in collaboration with Gust De Meyer.

quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011

Avey Tare "Oliver Twist"!


segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

Les uns et les autres (1980) - le boléro de Ravel -

Extrait du film "Les uns et les autres" de Claude Lelouch.
le boléro de Ravel, chorégraphie de Maurice Béjart, dansé par Jorge Donn.

domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011

KIRIL feat Ras Tweed & Esma-Raise Up Your Hand

um ska-reagea-balcanico com influências romani. Uma fusão de sons primordiais da humanidade, provenientes de várias culturas e latitudes, mediados pela tecnologia digital.

Feng Shui - Energy of Love

sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

A Grim Task - An Earth-Shattering Aniboom Animation by Tom Rudderham

The Astronomers Dream (Remix)

Masala Sound Kitchen

bright eyes - kathy with a k's song

Bright Eyes - I Woke Up With This Song In My Head This Morning

I woke up with this song in my head this morning.
I woke up with this song in my head this morning.
I was dreaming about your record collection and all of our scratched affection.
I woke up with this song in my head this morning.
With no singing. With no swinging too.
There is no dancing. There is no missing you.
I woke up and put your record on this morning.
I woke up and put your record on this morning.
So when the oven is hot I'm going to melt the plastic into an ashtray or a candy basket.
I woke up and put your record on this morning.
With no singing. With no swinging too.
There is no dancing. There is no missing you.
When you go, will you glow on and on?
When you go, will you glow on and on?
I woke up with this song in my head this morning.
I woke up with this song in my head this morning.
It made my headache. It was that great but now it's gone and life is wnderful.
You made my head ache. You were that great but now you're gone and life is wonderful.
There is no singing. There is no swinging too.
There is no dancing. There is no missing you.
There is no screaming. There is no listening too.
There is no scheming. There is no missing you.

"Speak to Me/Breathe/On the Run" by Pink Floyd

Run Rabbit Run - Flanagan & Allen

Run Rabbit Run is a song written by Noel Gay and Ralph Butler. The music was by Noel Gay and the song was sung by Flanagan and Allen.

This song was written for Noel Gay's show 'The Little Dog Laughed' which opened on 11th October 1939, at a time when most of the major London theatres were closed. It was a popular song during World War II, especially after Flanagan and Allen changed the lyrics to poke fun at the Germans (eg. Run Adolf, Run Adolf, Run, Run, Run........)

On the farm, every Friday
On the farm, it's rabbit pie day.
So, every Friday that ever comes along,
I get up early and sing this little song
Run rabbit - run rabbit - Run! Run! Run!
Run rabbit - run rabbit - Run! Run! Run!
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Goes the farmer's gun.
Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run.
Run rabbit - run rabbit - Run! Run! Run!
Don't give the farmer his fun! Fun! Fun!
He'll get by
Without his rabbit pie
So run rabbit - run rabbit - Run! Run! Run!
The lyrics were used as a defiant dig at the allegedly ineffectual Luftwaffe. On 13 November 1939, soon after the outbreak of the Second World War and also soon after the song was premiered, Germany launched its first air raid on Britain, on flying boats that were sheltering in Sullom Voe, Shetland. Two rabbits were supposedly killed by a bomb drop, although it is suggested that they were in fact procured from a butchers' shop and used for publicity purposes[1][2].

The song title is quoted in Pink Floyd`s first track on the album Dark Side of the Moon, "Speak to Me/Breathe", included the lyrics "Run, rabbit. Run." The same lyrics are also included in Bankrobber by The Clash

Meet Me Outside - Flotilla

Humbertona - Grito de Dor

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011

David Sylvian - Orpheus


Standing firm on this stoney ground
The wind blows hard
Pulls these clothes around
I harbour all the same worries as most
The temptations to leave or to give up the ghost
I wrestle with an outlook on life
That shifts between darkness and shadowy light
I struggle with words for fear that they'll hear
But Orpheus sleeps on his back still dead to the world

Sunlight falls, my wings open wide
There's a beauty here I cannot deny
And bottles that tumble and crash on the stairs
Are just so many people I knew never cared
Down below on the wreck on the ship
Are a stronghold of pleasures I couldn't regret
But the baggage is swallowed up by the tide
As Orpheus keeps to his promise and stays by my side

Tell me, I've still a lot to learn
Understand, these fires never stop
Believe me, when this joke is tired of laughing
I will hear the promise of my Orpheus sing

Sleepers sleep as we row the boat
Just you the weather and I gave up hope
But all of the hurdles that fell in our laps
Were fuel for the fire and straw for our backs
Still the voices have stories to tell
Of the power struggles in heaven and hell
But we feel secure against such mighty dreams
As Orpheus sings of the promise tomorrow may bring

Tell me, I've still a lot to learn
Understand, these fires never stop
Please believe me, when this joke is tired of laughing
I will hear the promise of my Orpheus sing

Coco Rosie - Animals

CocoRosie - 08 Animals - The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn - 2007

A Mensagem de Silo

A Mensagem de Silo

sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011

Robbie Williams - Feel (Lyrics in description box) [Audio HQ]

Come and hold my hand
I want to contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given

I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
I don't understand

I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste

I don't want to die
But I ain't keen on living either
Before I fall in love
I'm preparing to leave her
Scare myself to death
That's why I keep on running
Before I've arrived
I can see myself coming

I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
And I need to feel real love
And a life ever after
I cannot get enough

I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
I got too much love
Running through my veins
To go to waste

I just want to feel real love
In a life ever after
There's a hole in my soul
You can see it in my face
It's a real big place

Come and hold my hand
I want to contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand

Does Anyone Love Me Now - Blue Roses

The Waterboys - Fishermans Blues (With Lyrics in Description)

quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011


Música: Alain Oulman
Letra: Ary dos Santos
In: "Com que Voz", 1968
"UNL - Literatura"

Meu amor meu amor
meu corpo em movimento
minha voz à procura
do seu próprio lamento.

Meu limão de amargura meu punhal a escrever
nós parámos o tempo não sabemos morrer
e nascemos nascemos
do nosso entristecer.

Meu amor meu amor
meu nó e sofrimento
minha mó de ternura
minha nau de tormento

este mar não tem cura este céu não tem ar
nós parámos o vento não sabemos nadar
e morremos morremos
devagar devagar.

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

Good News From The Desert - Erik Truffaz And Murcof

Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson

And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)

We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files
We'd like to help you learn to help yourself
Look around you, all you see are sympathetic eyes
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home

And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)

Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes
Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
It's a little secret, just the Robinsons' affair
Most of all, you've got to hide it from the kids

Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mrs Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)

Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Ev'ry way you look at it, you lose

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you (Woo, woo, woo)
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson
Joltin' Joe has left and gone away
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)

Ultravox- Dancing With Tears in My Eyes

Coldplay - Clocks Paradise

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

Bon Iver - Skinny Love

Artist: Bon Iver
Song: Skinny Love
Album: For Emma, Forever Ago


Come on skinny love just last the year
Pour a little salt we were never here
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer

I tell my love to wreck it all
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Right in the moment this order's tall

I told you to be patient
I told you to be fine
I told you to be balanced
I told you to be kind
In the morning I'll be with you
But it will be a different "kind"
I'll be holding all the tickets
And you'll be owning all the fines

Come on skinny love what happened here
Suckle on the hope in lite brassiere
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Sullen load is full; so slow on the split

I told you to be patient
I told you to be fine
I told you to be balanced
I told you to be kind
Now all your love is wasted?
Then who the hell was I?
Now I'm breaking at the britches
And at the end of all your lines

Who will love you?
Who will fight?
Who will fall far behind?

Loreen - My heart is refusing me

George Michael - Careless Whisper

sábado, 3 de setembro de 2011

Onde está o Wally

" Soneto da Separação " / " Bom dia tristeza " / " Olhos nos olhos " - M...

De repente do riso fez-se o pranto
Silencioso e branco como a bruma
E das bocas unidas fez-se a espuma
E das mãos espalmadas fez-se o espanto
De repente da calma fez-se o vento
Que dos olhos desfez a última chama
E da paixão fez-se o pressentimento
E do momento imóvel fez-se o drama
De repente não mais que de repente
Fez-se de triste o que se fez amante
E de sozinho o que se fez contente
Fez-se do amigo pr

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

Booker Ervin - Number Two

ENDGAME -O Modelo para a Escravidão Global 13/14

JS Bach Cantata BWV 36c Peter Schreier

JS Bach Cantata BWV 36c Part 2

deep purple - when a blind man cries

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso Full Movie 1080HD English Subtitles

Katie Melua - If You Were A Sailboat

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Richard Skelton — River Song

Nek - Se non ami

Puoi decidere le strade che farai
puoi scalare le montagne oltre i limiti che hai
potrai essere qualcuno se ti va
ma se non ami
se non ami
non hai un vero motivo motivo per vivere
se non ami
non ti ami e non ci sei
se non ami
non ha senso tutto quello che fai
puoi creare un grande impero intorno a te
costruire grattaceli e contare un po' di più
puoi comprare tutto quello che vuoi tu
ma se non ami
se non ami
non hai un vero motivo per vivere
se non ami
non ti ami e non ci sei
se non ami
se non ami
non hai il senso delle cose più piccole
le certezze che non trovi e che non dai
l amore attende e non è invadente e non grida mai
se parli ti ascolta tutto sopporta crede in quel che fai
e chiede di esser libero alle porte
e quando torna indietro ti darà di più
se non ami
se non ami
tutto il resto sa proprio di inutile
se non ami
non ti ami
non ci sei...
senza amore noi non siamo niente mai...

Mar Adentro

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

O Julgamento (1/10)

Filme português 'O Julgamento' de Leonel de Vieira. Filme sobre a PIDE e os seus efeitos nos dias de hoje num grupo de sobreviventes da ditadura em Portugal.

O Julgamento (2/10)

O Julgamento (3/10)

O Julgamento (4/10)

Julgamento (5/10)

O Julgamento (6/10)

O Julgamento (7/10)

O Julgamento (8/10)

O Julgamento (9/10)

O Julgamento (10/10)

Filme português 'O Julgamento' de Leonel de Vieira. Filme sobre a PIDE e os seus efeitos nos dias de hoje num grupo de sobreviventes da ditadura em Portugal.

quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011

You Can Call Me Al - Noah and the Whale

A man walks down the street
He says why am I soft in the middle now
Why am I soft in the middle
The rest of my life is so hard
I need a photo-opportunity
I want a shot at redemption
Don't want to end up a cartoon
In a cartoon graveyard
Bonedigger Bonedigger
Dogs in the moonlight
Far away my well-lit door
Mr. Beerbelly Beerbelly
Get these mutts away from me
You know I don't find this stuff amusing anymore
If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al

A man walks down the street
He says why am I short of attention
Got a short little span of attention
And wo my nights are so long
Where's my wife and family
What if I die here
Who'll be my role-model
Now that my role-model is
Gone Gone
He ducked back down the alley
With some roly-poly little bat-faced girl
All along along
There were incidents and accidents
There were hints and allegations

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al
Call me Al

A man walks down the street
It's a street in a strange world
Maybe it's the Third World
Maybe it's his first time around
He doesn't speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
He is surrounded by the sound
The sound
Cattle in the marketplace
Scatterlings and orphanages
He looks around, around
He sees angels in the architecture
Spinning in infinity
He says Amen! and Hallelujah!

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al
Call me Al

First days of spring- Noah and the whale new album

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011

Amy Winehouse - Take The Box (lyrics)

Your neighbours were screaming
I don't have a key for downstairs, so I punched all the buzzers hoping you wouldn't be there
So now my head's hurting
You say I always get my own way
But you were in the shower when I got there, I'd have wanted to stay, but I got nothing to say

Cause you were so beautiful before today
But then I heard what you got to say... man that was ugly

The Moschino bra you bought me last Christmas
Put it in the box, put it in the box
Frank's in there and I don't care
Put it in the box, put it in the box
Just take it
Take the box

Take the box

I came home this evening and nothing felt like how it should be
I feel like writing you a letter but that is not me... you know me
Feel so f*cking angry; don't wanna be reminded of you
But when I left my sh*t in your kitchen, I said goodbye to your bedroom it smelled of you

Mr False Pretence, you don't make sense
I just don't know you
But you make me cry, where's my kiss goodbye?
I think I love you

The Moschino bra you bought me last Christmas
Put it in the box, put it in the box
Frank's in there and I don't care
Put it in the box, put it in the box
Now take it
Take the box
Just take it, take it
Take the box
And now just take the box
Take the box

Take the box