sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010

Isso Vai Aquecer, Seu Berbigão

It’s so easy, too easy to moan about anything and everything… part of the British disposition and I have to give it to us, we’re damn good at making a fuss.

I’m guilty of it, I love a good moan and I admit I do it far too much for my own good and the good of those around me. It’s always too cold, too dark, too rainy, I have too much work, I’m going to fail all my exams, I want more money, I want to be paid for the work that I do do, I always want more or change or something big to happen. Never am I content and never do I keep that to myself.

Now I’m moaning about moaning in general though – which seems to be on the increase the more time spent with a certain coalition government. Economy, cuts, instability, job losses, taxation rises, welfare cuts… and that’s on top of the usual crap TV rants, Elton John chastising X-Factor, too rainy, too windy, too dark too early, boredom, stress and everything in between. We have a lot to moan about.

I had planned to spend today Christmas shopping with a friend of mine, but instead have a man fixing the blinds in bedroom – the fun in the sun and the shops and the relief of getting festive treats bought way ahead of the last minute panics and horrible crowds was sucked away down the plughole of disappointment. I wanted a lie in and a lovely day but instead I woke up, unshowered and disgusting to let this poor lad in to get to work. I wasn’t angry, maybe slightly grumpy… disgruntled, there’s the word. Anyway, popped out to get some cash to pay for the said blinds and came across this:

A lady, must have been at least 80, with a shopping cart and surrounded by a Big Issue seller and five or six homeless people. They were all smiling, beaming. From her cart she was pulling out hand-knitted gloves, bobble hats, jumpers and blankets calling out “Who’s for this one?”

That was it, a snippet of goodness that made me grin from ear to ear and consider all of the above. The kindness warmed every cockle of my heart and made me feel ridiculously embarrassed about my morning’s woes. How dare I feel down about anything really? Look around, if you look hard enough you can see past a nation of moaners… the best feelings come from the little things, the people who give, the selfless people, the smiles, the sharing spirit.

Setting myself two tasks then:

1) to radically decrease my moaning and 2) to do something nice for someone every day.

Be thankful and spread it.

Tagged in: kindness, little things


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