quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010

Top 50 blogs de pesquisa de Biologia



Top 50 Biology Research Blogs

by Linda on March 12, 2010

If you are seeking a scientist who focuses on biological research to learn more about their skills, you need look no further than the Internet. Hundreds of scientists are blogging about their research daily, in every biological specialization imaginable. In this instance, the top 50 biology research blogs listed below focus on longevity and aging, evolution, biotechnology, neurosciences and microbiology (the latter a topic required by many lab jobs).

The blogs listed below are current, which means they have been updated within the past few weeks. They also are listed in alphabetical order by blog title within each category.

Longevity and Aging

1. @ging: This blog is all about scientific findings on aging and its underlying mechanisms.

2. Biology of Aging: This blog is funded by the Ellison Medical Foundation and hosted at the MBL/WHOI Library, which aims to put knowledge and issues surrounding aging and lifespan in front of a world-wide audience ranging from school children to expert scientists.

3. Biosingularity: This blogger has coined the term, “Biosingularity,” to define a time when scientists will be able to engineer new biological systems and have complete molecular control in manipulating existing life forms.

4. CRON Diary: This blogger has been practicing calorie restriction with optimal nutrition for almost a decade. She participates in three different medical studies related to diet and calorie restriction.

5. Fight Aging! This blog focuses on the causes of aging and includes a vast number of resources for research, links to initiatives and more.

6. FuturePundit: This blog focuses on aging, biotech, brain functions, climate, energy and current and future trends.

7. Humanpl.us: Eric Tatro is a singularitarian and an enthusiast of new technologies that promise to radically transform the way humans live, work and interact with each other.

8. Longevity Science: Dr. Gavrilov researches the biodemography of human longevity along with mathematical models of aging and mortality and the genetics of aging and longevity.


9. Ouroboros: The mission of this blog is to provide commentary on developments within the field of aging as they are reported in the literature and at relevant conferences.

10. SIAI Blog: This blog is maintained by the Singularity Institute for Artifical Intelligence, which believes that humanity will “likely create a powerful AI” in the coming decades.

11.Singularity Hub: Singularity Hub is a blog and news network covering the latest in robots, genetics, longevity, artificial intelligence, aging, stem cells, and more.

Phylogenetic tree
Árvore Filogenética

Biology and Evolution


12. A Blog Around the Clock: Bora Zivkovic focuses on chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution.

13. A Very Remote Period Indeed: This blog reviews recent archaeologicl publications that have anything to do with Paleolithic archaeology, paleoanthropology, lithic technology, hunter-gatherers and archaeological theory.

14. EvolutionBlog: Dr. Rosenhouse provides his commentary on the “endless dispute between evolution and creationism” in his blog.

15. Evolving Thoughts: An associate professor at Bond University in Queensland posts thoughts on essentialism in biology to “sundry other reviews.”

16. Living the Scientific Life: This evolutionary biologist/ornithologist and freelance science and nature writer (with a sense of humor) lives in Germany and writes about birds, evolution, environmental issues and more.

17. Panda’s Thumb: While this blogger keeps a focus on the defense of science foremost, Panda’s thumb is filled with a wide range of scholarly thoughts and opinions critical of the anti-evolution movement.

18. Pharyngula: This blog reaches beyond the research area of the pharyngula stage of the zebrafish more often than zebrafish proliferate.

19. Pleiotropy: Bjørn’s research is currently on the effects of epistasis and pleiotropy on adaptation, and sympatric speciation driven by resource competition.

20. Sandwalk: This Canadian biochemist offers some entertaining reading, easy-to-understand logic and illuminating arguments.

21. Stranger Fruit: John M. Lynch, an Honors Faculty Fellow at Barrett the Honors College at Arizona State University, conducted his post-doctoral researcher in evolutionary biology.

22. The Questionable Authority: Mike Dunford studied evolution at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. Now he blogs on a variety of subjects, which seem to always lead back to evolution.


23. BrainBlog: Dr. Anthony Risser is a consulting neuropsychologist who blogs about news concerning human knowledge of the brain and behavior.

24. Brain Waves: Zack Lynch is author of The Neuro Revolution: How Brain Science Is Changing Our World, and he is the founder and executive director of the Neurotechnology Industry Organization (NIO) and co-founder of NeuroInsights, among other achievements.

25. Brain Windows: Brain Windows is a blog devoted to reporting, analyzing and interpreting the latest results in the field of brain imaging technologies, particularly at the levels of systems, circuits, single cells and below.

26. Brains Lab: Andy McKenzie is studying how the brain works on various levels. This blog chronicles some of his notes along the way.

27. Deric Bownds’ MindBlog: Bownds’ 35-year lab research contributed to understanding how vision works. Now, he focuses on studying evolution, development and function of human brains. http://www.dericbownds.net/

28. Developing Intelligence: Chris Chathm, a graduate student, focuses on developmental and computational cognitive neuroscience, comparative psychology, psychometrics, and artificial intelligence.

29. GNIF Brain Blogger: Initially an official undertaking of the Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation (GNIF), this award-winning blog covers topics from multidimensional biopsychosocial perspectives.

30. Mixing Memory: This scientist’s work is in higher-order cognition, including things like long-term memory, analogy and similarity, metaphor, concepts and categories, the interconnection between language and thought, and embodied cognition.

31. Neuroanthropology: This blog is a collaborative blog created to encourage exchanges among anthropology, philosophy, social theory, and the brain sciences.

32. Neurochannels: This postdoctoral researcher at Duke University works in Miguel Nicolelis’ lab studying sensory coding in the rat whisker system. But, his blog is so much bigger.

33. On the Brain: As co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Posit Science, Michael Merzenich heads the company’s global team. His research for more than three decades is centered on brain plasticity.


34. Aetiology: While this blog’s focus is on epidemiology of infectious disease or general microbiology, discussion leads to a wider range of topics including general epidemiology, vaccines, medicine, public health, pseudoscience and politics.

35. Microbiology Blog: This blog is maintained by Horizon Press and keeps microbiologists updated on events and news with an eye to networking.

36. MicrobiologyBytes: This is a generic site that covers everything from Africa to virology, antibiotics to vaccines and biology to — essentially — microbiology.

37. Pharmaceutical Microbiology Blog: This blog’s intent is to remain topical, detailing news, updates to standards, compliance, book reviews and so on in relation to pharmaceutical microbiology, contamination control, cleanroms, as well as more general quality control and quality assurance issues.

38. Small things Considered: Elio Schaechter and Merry Youle present a ‘microbe blog’ that maintains a focus on the minute things in life.

39. The Evilutionary Biologist: John Dennehy is an evolutionary biologist who studies bacteriophage life history stochasticity and the population dynamics of host/pathogen interactions.

40. Viroblogy: This blogger’s main research interests are presently in making human and animal vaccine candidates in plants and insect cells: these include vaccines for mucosal Human papillomaviruses (HPV) and Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype C.

41. Virology Blog: When the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy G. Thompson, referred to the anthrax bacillus as a virus, Dr. Racniello realized that some education was lacking in the virology department. This blog is his effort to educate readers about viruses.


insulin crystals



42. Biotech Blog: Yali Friedman, Ph.D., is founder of thinkBiotech. His book, Building Biotechnology, is used as a course text in dozens of biotechnology programs.

43. Cleantech Blog: Cleantech blog’s founder is Neal Dikeman, a partner at Jane Capital Partners, a San Francisco-based merchant bank focused on clean technology, energy & environmental technologies.

44. Frederick County Biotech Community: What started as a county-wide initiative in Maryland has turned into a global phenomena, as readers the world over tune in to catch the latest bioscience updates from scientists in Frederick County.

45. Holman’s Biotech IP Blog: Chris Holmans’ primary research interests lie in biotechnology and intellectual property, so this blog provides analysis and commentary on recent developments relevant to this area of the law.

46. ScienceRoll: Bertalan Meskó, MD launched the first university credit course that focuses on Web 2.0 and medicine for medical students.

47. The Cross-Border Biotech Blog: Former scientists, attorneys and other contributors from the U.S. and Canada focus on biotech news and new biotech companies.

48. Todd W. Harris, PhD: Dr. Harris is a freelance consultant who solves data management, analysis and visualization problems in the biomedical, pharmaceutical, and financial sectors.

All-Around Biological News and Research

49. AIBS Executive Director’s Blog: This blog sums up American Institute of Biological Sciences activities, straight from the executive director’s desk.

50. The Biology Blog: Created in 2009 to offer a generic outpouring of biological
news to the general public, this blog covers the gamut from “AntiScience” to Zoology and also offers http://medicallabtechnicianschool.org/

2009/25-excellent-web-tools-for-lab-technicians/ Web tools for researchers.


Schematic of typical animal cell depicting the various organelles and structures.

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